Customer engagement is the only way of ensuring that you stay in business in the long term.

The following are some ways you as a business can engage with your customers:

1. Customer Service: Make sure that your personnel, know about the important role than all and each of them play within your organisation. Some employees think that because they don’t deal directly with the customers they do not need to demonstrate professionalism. i.e. in a construction company, all employees are dealing directly with the customer. Maybe they are not dealing directly with the person to contract your business but one way or the other, all have to deal with your customers. (Accounts receivable, Accounts Payable, field employees, project managers and superintendents).

2. Through Incoming mail from your website: Make sure you or someone on your team takes care of all incoming mail through your website and all messages are reply in a timely fashion no more than 24 hours after message is received. Otherwise customer will be disappointed in you.

3. Social Media Platforms: Make sure that someone is taking care of your social media platforms and is responding to any incoming messages. Is very important that you take care of your profile and about pages not just on your webpage but through all Social Media platforms. Potential Customers need to be able to find who you are and what your business is all about.

4. Make your customer part of your business: A satisfied customers could bring more business. If they like your products or services, they will recommend their friends and family to your business and this is a great way to promote your organisation.

5. Offer rewards If you know who are your customers, offer them something for free: Doesn’t have to be anything big, but if you offer them a $25.00 gift certificate for every customer they referred to you, they will be engage with your business and you will bring more customers.

6. Special Promotions Offer: Discount or special promotions to existing customers, that way you make sure your organisation keep everyone busy, and production is still running smoothly. If your business, does not offer products, just services, you will be constantly receiving calls for the different services you are offering.

7. Use Metrics to improve efforts: Check what post, updates and content sharing your fans are interacting the most. This way you will know what it is outside that is bringing your fans attention or what are they conversing the most.

8. Keep Customers Engaged: Ask them what they want and what is needed in order to be up to date with products and services. This way you will avoid to provide a product or service that no one is interesting in getting.

9. Surveys: As soon as your service is completed, send your customer a survey to see if they are 100% satisfied with your organisation. If not, that will be helpful to know what are the areas of improvement and take immediate action.